a totally scratch build land rover with 1/43 scale. identical to the previous handmade series I. note, the different is this one model got a pickup hardtop, and using somekind of land rover MK II winch model.

together with the 1st version
this model (the 2nd version) is now belongs to Mr udin, At Surabaya-Indonesia
- daniel prasetyo
These are great! Please send me more information... Are they available for purchase? I'd love to do a feature on them on LRL's website.
Jason Paul Michaels | Director of Sales and Marketing | Land Rover Lifestyle Magazine
direct. 813-334-7674 offices. 505-979-2338 fax. 888-575-6247 jmichaels@thelrl.com
hi Mr jason,
im daniel, from the myownminiworld.blogspot.com
thanks for visiting my site and comment..
im very thankful if you want to feature me in LRL...
for information yes some of them are made by order and available for purchase..but some of them made just for my private collection that i use for model example for the people who wants to order...kind a catalog..
but its too bad that the models that i made only available for purchase in the local place only (Indonesia), and mostly in local area too...many of them were built for a friends or other people that own land rover or a landrover enthusiast..i still dont sell my work out of indonesia because im affarid of the model will be broken as they arivve or shipped..since they were handmade its more fragille than the basic fabricated diecast model..thats why im affraid to sell them out of indonesia..
for more pictures you can see it on my sites:
or you can directlly go to my land rover miniature model gallery here:
note: in the gallery half of them are handmade built and modification built from the basic original vehicle, and half of them are just a basic collection of landrover toys that i collect from my past childhood era..
well thanks you so much for your attention for visiting my site...
hope this little information will helps..
if you want to ask any information you can contact in this mail:
once again thanks,
daniel prasetyo martopo
Halo bro Daniel,
salam persahabatan bro..
One word for you bro.. A W E S O M E.
Bisa sampai sedetail itu ya bro miniature Land Rover'nya..
All the detail of the Landy bener2 in your blood..haha.
So you're a drummer & Jesus Disciples...sama sob.
Aye lagi ngidam pengen punya landy nih bro.. kalo ada info landy short, kondisi siap tempur & harga manusiawi..mohon kabari ya bro?
My best regards for your Pap & Uncle..the Landy Master.
All the best for you bro.
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